Day Care

Extended Day Care

Students currently enrolled in grades in Junior Kindergarten through Eight at Our Lady of Perpetual Help School are eligible to participate in the School’s Extended Day Care Program. The Our Lady of Perpetual Help EDC Program provides a quality, safe, low-cost program for working parents who need and want a safe place after school for their children. The program embodies the philosophy of Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in accord with the guidelines set by the Diocese of Fresno. Since this program is an extension of the school day, it does not require California State licensing

The EDC Program is staffed by Our Lady of Perpetual Help employees, under the supervision of the Principal. A student: adult ratio of 14:1 is maintained for extended day care programs. All OLPH Staff must undergo fingerprint clearance and participate in Safe Environment Training, sponsored by the diocese. Adequate adult supervision is provided, and no child will be left unsupervised at any time. The school has provided a safe, clean, secure place for the EDC Program. The classrooms, playgrounds, lunch tables and school restrooms are also used by the EDC program..

• homework period (computer with internet available with teacher approval)
• indoor recreation, directed and independent
• outdoor recreation, directed and independent arts and crafts
• after school snack

Regular days: 3:00 – 6:00 PM
Minimum days: 12:00 – 6:00 PM
School Holiday/Vacation: NO EDC

3:00 Arrival, sign-in, outdoor recreation
3:45 Snack & bathroom
4:00 Homework
5:00 arts/crafts/projects/games
5:30 clean-up/inside activities/outside play
6:00 program ends

Diocesan Elementary School accident insurance covers students during the times of the Extended Day Care Program.

The financial operation of the EDC program is the responsibility of the Principal. The fee schedule is determined by the school, approved by the pastor, and reviewed annually. The EDC program is part of the overall school budget.

The registration fee for each child (paid once each year) is $50. ALL families with children that attend EDC will be expected to pay the registration fee, this includes drop-in.

PM Extended Care: The fee(s) for Extended Day Care are in addition to and not included in regular monthly tuition.

This fee is payable on a weekly basis.
• 1 Child $50.00 per week or $15.00 a day
• 2 Children $70.00 per week or $22.50 a day
• 3+ Children $90.00 per week or $27.50 a day

NO HOURLY RATES ARE AVAILABLE. Late fees will be assessed for late pickup past the 6:00 PM closing time. The program closes daily at 6:00 PM
– NO LATER. Late fees will be added for every minute after the program closes ($1.00 per minute that you are late, with a $5 minimum).

All payments are due into the school office within 20 days of receiving the bill, as stated in the parental contract.

For drop-ins, payment is due THAT DAY or the next business day. Any late fees will be added to the bill.


Beyond EDC, the school does not provide supervision for students after 3:15 PM and after 12:15 PM on noon dismissal days. All students on campus after 3:15 PM (full day) or 12:00 PM (half day) WILL BE SIGNED INTO EXTENDED DAY CARE with the exception of those students involved in school-sponsored after school activities and directly supervised by an adult. Parents will be billed at the drop-in rate of $25 per day ($30 on noon dismissal days) per child.

PICKING UP YOUR CHILDREN: Parents (or those properly designated by a parent) may sign out and pick up students from the EDC program. Your child(ren) will not be released to anyone not listed on the Student Release Authorization form. Please complete a new form annually and up-date as necessary during the year. The EDC staff may be reached at the OLPH School number of (559) 299-7504 or Mr. Dodd cell (559) 288-4539.

If someone other than designated persons attempt to pick up your children, the children will be released only if the principal has received notification by the parent.

SNACKS: Snacks will usually consist of nutritious food and drink. If your child requires more to eat, please supply him/her with an after school snack. On noon dismissal days, children MUST bring a lunch and something to drink. Any food allergies should be noted on the registration form. Children will be allowed to purchase drinks from the vending machine unless a written note from parents is received.

The OLPH School approach to behavior and discipline applies to the EDC program. All school rules and regulations are also applicable to the EDC program. The EDC staff is to be afforded the same respect that students give to teachers. Acceptable and unacceptable behavior will be clearly communicated to the students. Parents will be notified at the time of pick up of any issues of disrespect or inappropriate behavior. In the case of an ongoing disciplinary problem, appropriate steps will be taken by the EDC Director and the Principal. In extreme cases, a student may be asked to withdraw from the Extended Day Care Program. For more explanation of behavior and discipline, please refer to the OLPH Family Handbook.

1. Pick up children on time.
2. Sign children out at pick up.
3. Pay fees promptly.
4. Impress on children the need to be respectful and
follow school rules for behavior.
5. Provide lunch on noon dismissal days.
6. Provide extra snack, if needed.
7. Notify the director of any change.
8. Support staff regarding disciplinary issues.

All Extended Day Care records are the property of the school and will be maintained as school records. The EDC staff will keep all registration and emergency forms in the EDC at all times. Records are to be shared only with those who have a legal right to the information.

An emergency form that is complete and current is kept on file for every child enrolled in the EDC program. All EDC staff have access to this information, including accurate phone numbers of parents and TWO emergency contacts. Parents are expected to inform the EDC personnel of any changes in home/work address, home/ cell phone or emergency numbers.

EDC personnel will have access to a telephone at all times. Emergency contact information (including numbers for the school office, rectory, principal and pastor) is available to adult staff. In the EDC room, evacuation map and emergency procedures are posted.

All accidents and injuries will be recorded and reported to the Principal as soon as possible, and in accordance with school and diocesan procedures. Should a serious accident occur, parents/guardians or their designate will be contacted. If these prove unavailable, the child’s physician, or, if necessary, the paramedics will be called. Until the arrival of the parent/guardian or medical professionals, the Extended Day Care Director and the Principal will assume responsibility regarding the care of the injured child.

If your child(ren) has any physical limitations or allergies please contact the School Office to obtain a medical authorization form to be completed by your doctor. No medication will be given to Extended Care students unless this form is on file. This includes but is not limited to over-the-counter medication (cough drops, anti-acids, etc.) Students are not to have medication in their possession.

First aid supplies are provided for the use of the Extended Day Care program.