Catholic Schools Week

Catholic School’s Week 2018
Jan.29th- Feb. 3rd

Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service

Sunday: Join us for 9:30 Children Mass -Wear your Mass Dress

Monday: “Our Community” Day
Reading Night from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Hall
“Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Golden Books and the Wonderful Reading World of
Dress up: Disney Day~ Wear your Mouse Ears,
Disney Costumes, or favorite Disney Shirt

Tuesday: “In Our Students” Day
Celebrating our AMAZING Students!!
Dress up: PJ Day

Wednesday: “In Our Nation” Day
Singing the National Anthem during Prayer Service
Making Valentines crafts/cards for veterans at the hospital and friends at the Nazareth house
Dress up: Wacky Wednesday

Thursday: “In our Vocations” Day
Rally@ 2:20-2:50 in the Hall
Talent Show at 6:00 in the Hall
Dress up: Scrabble Letters~Students can (draws, tapes, etc.) a random letter onto their
shirt. Try to see how many words your class can make!

Friday: “In our Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers” Day
Dress up: Mass Dress